
Cyber Security Awareness
Über uns

As a Cyber Security Hero at SoSafe, you make the world a little better: Our Awareness Platform helps over 1,000 organizations build up their human rewall, thereby protecting themselves against costly cyberattacks. SoSafe is one of the fastest growing tech companies, and is already a leading provider of security awareness solutions in Europe. Backed by strong VC funding, we are looking for more motivated team players who will assist us with our ambitious mission. Are you interested in being a part of this exciting journey? Apply now!

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Cyber Security Awareness
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Wir sind selbst Kommunikatoren und im Austausch mit Kolleg*innen aus Unternehmen und Agenturen. Wir konzentrieren uns auf ein Feld, das wir kennen. Und wir kuratieren besondere und empfehlenswerte Jobs in der Kommunikation.


Kunkel & Kumpane.
Talent Relations GmbH
Binzstraße 4
13189 Berlin
