Heller Yeah

Communication Services for Innovation Drivers
Über uns

Running communications for Zalando and N26, Katharina Heller drove two success stories that have had a lasting impact on entire industries beyond German borders and inspired people to come up with new, big ideas. The exposure to these two companies and their founders highly motivated her. Katharina founded Heller Yeah in 2019, which has since grown into a diverse network of communication specialists. We offer a wide range of communication services for role models who drive innovation and digital transformation.

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Heller Yeah

Communication Services for Innovation Drivers
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Über PRsonal.de

Wir sind selbst Kommunikatoren und im Austausch mit Kolleg*innen aus Unternehmen und Agenturen. Wir konzentrieren uns auf ein Feld, das wir kennen. Und wir kuratieren besondere und empfehlenswerte Jobs in der Kommunikation.


Kunkel & Kumpane.
Talent Relations GmbH
Binzstraße 4
13189 Berlin
